Summer is here and that means it's time for lots of outside time! My kids love to collect rocks and what better way to put them to good use than with these kindness rocks? Kids of all ages will love painting kindness rocks to hide around the local area or gift to loved ones. It's super easy to do and a great outside activity! Follow the step by step directions below to make your very own kindness rocks!
If you're looking for more rock painting ideas, be sure to check out these valentines painted rocks and these conversation heart rocks.
I think it's a right of passage as a kid to end up with a huge rock collection if you spend any amount of time outside. I know my kids sure do! Rock painting crafts are such a great way to put them to good use and encourage your kids to put them back outside!

I really love these rock painting ideas as they make a fun and easy kindness craft. You can write any kind, happy, thoughtful, or positive message that you think of for others to find. Older kids can come up with fun messages to write while the younger ones will love painting happy colours on them.
Scroll down below for directions to start painting kindness rocks of your own!
Painting Kindness Rocks
Supplies for rock painting:
- Rocks (if you can't find any in your area, you can purchase these rocks)
- Acrylic paint pens
- Clear sealer (optional)
Directions for rock kindness craft
STEP 1: Prepare your supplies
Before you get started, gather up your supplies so you're ready to start painting! If you don't already have rocks you will need to head outdoors to find some, this is a great activity for toddlers, preschoolers, and older kids to participate in. You'll want to look for rocks that are big in size and have a smooth surface for painting.
If you live in an area that doesn't have an abundance of rocks, you can also purchase rocks from Amazon. Make sure to gather up paint pens in all the colours you want to use. We used these paint pens and loved them.
Make sure that your rocks have been cleaned and dried before beginning your rock painting.
STEP 2: Start painting kindness rocks
Now that you got everything you need, it's time to start painting kindness rocks to hide! You'll want to create kind, happy, thoughtful, and positive messages for others to find. Kids of all ages can help with this. Older kids may want to come up with positive phrases while younger kids can paint happy colours on their rocks.
To paint your kindness rocks simply use your paint pens to write words and draw simple designs on your rocks. Use our images as inspiration, but be creative and use your imagination to see what you can create.
If you're finding it hard to think of short positive messages, try these kindness rock painting ideas:
- "Kindness"
- "Hope"
- "Be happy"
- "You are awesome!"
- "Make this world a kinder place"
- "Smile and the world smiles back"
- "You'll never regret being kind"
- "You matter"
- "Be you"
- "Be brave"
- "Love wins"
- "Life is tough but so are you"
- "Believe in yourself"
There are so many great kindness rock painting ideas you can use! Drawing hearts, smiley faces and rainbows will also always make people smile.
Please note that if you're wanting to do multiple layers of colour on your rocks, you will need to wait for each colour to dry before using the next colour so they don't blend together.
If you want your painted rocks to last a long time during all weather conditions it is a good idea to spray them with a sealer. We like to use this sealer for all our crafts.
STEP 3: Hide your rock painting craft
We hope you enjoy painting kindness rocks with your kids. Rock painting is such a fun activity for summer. Kids will love putting rock collections to good use with these kindness rock painting ideas!

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