Ok, so there is no denying it, we love children's keepsake crafts! We have made so many over the years and I treasure them all. Kids grow sooo quickly, it nice to be able to hold onto a bit of their smallness!
The baby craft that we are sharing today not only creates a beautiful footprint keepsake, we also have some of the most adorable footprint poems to go alongside those tiny footprints.
We made this fingerprint heart craft using the same 'I know you wipe some away' poem. This poem would also work well using an older child's handprints.
Related - Footprint Art
I first made this footprint craft when Oliver was only a few weeks old and his footprints look so tiny compared to his (almost) one year old feet!
You can take baby footprints using paint, ink or an inkless handprint/ footprint kit. Personally I like using ink over paint for baby footprints as I find ink so much easier and a lot less messy! I think you get a better print too! Inkless wipes are also a good alternative.
Baby Footprint Poems
But these prints were made to stay,
so keep them forever, a treasure they'll be,
a special 'I LOVE YOU' for you from me.
This isn't just a heart, as anyone can see.
I made it with my feet, which are a part of me.
It comes with lots of love especially to say,
I love you each and every day.
Two little feet with ten tiny toes
Isn't it strange how quickly time goes?
Isn't it strange how quickly time goes?
Baby Footprint Quotes
Little feet leave big imprints on our hearts.
There is no sound quite so sweet as the pitter patter of baby feet.
Baby Footprint Poem - An easy baby craft to treasure forever!
Baby Footprint Poem Supplies
- Printable poem
- Cardstock (or paper)
- Baby safe ink (or paint)
You will also need a comfortable place for baby to lie down and a hard surface to put under the paper when you take a footprint (a book or board would work well). A packed of baby wipes nearby or a small bowl of water for the clean up would be handy too!
Baby Footprint Poem Craft
STEP 1: Get your supplies ready
It is always good to be organised, but it is extra important when doing crafts and activities with babies. Before getting your baby ready to start this footprint craft make sure you have your poem printed out, your ink ready and a hard surface to take the print on.
STEP 2: Get baby ready!
Timing it right is so important when doing baby crafts, the last thing you want is an upset baby! Make sure your baby is happy and comfortable before you begin (or for really tiny babies you could even do it when they are asleep!).
I found lying Oliver under his baby gym worked really well as it gave him something to do whilst I prepared things. Until about 6 months old Oliver loved having his footprints taken, I think he liked the tickly feeling on his feet (and all the extra attention of course). As he has got older he isn't quite so keen as he just wants to keep moving! He will however come over to have his prints taken if the older children are doing theirs!
STEP 3: Take baby footprints
So now you have your footprint poem printed out and your baby is ready it is time to take their footprints. This is sometimes easier said than done!!!! I would have a few spare poems as sometimes the prints don't come out quite as well as you would like! (especially if you have a wriggly baby)
Firmly (but not forcefully) hold your babies foot and press their foot into the ink pad (or paint). Make sure the foot is completely covered in ink and then press their foot into the heart shape above the footprint poem.
Wiggle the foot a little to make sure you have printed the entire foot including all their tiny toes and then remove their foot.
You will need 2 footprints to create the heart shape. I would recommend cleaning the first foot before taking the second print or you will end up with ink everywhere! Using baby wipes is the easiest way to clean up!
STEP 4: Repeat!!
I always like to make several keepsakes when doing baby crafts like this as some always turn out better than others. They make wonderful gifts for family members too.
You can print this baby footprint poem onto paper but using cardstock makes it extra special, especially if you are giving it to someone as a homemade gift or card.
To download this baby footprint craft for free click on the link below and add the code - baby. For personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
To download this baby footprint craft for free click on the link below and add the code - baby. For personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
We hope that you enjoy making a baby keepsake to treasure forever using our printable baby footprint poems. Which of the 6 different baby footprint poems and baby footprint quotes will you choose! This is such an easy baby craft and it makes a lovely homemade gift or card.
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