Paper Plate Earth Day Shaving Cream Craft

Every day is earth day! And there's no better way than to celebrate our wonderful planet with some kid-friendly art projects like this marvelous Paper Plate Earth Shaving Cream Craft!

Earth day paper plate craft. Shaving cream craft for kids.

If your kids have a knack for painting, they're in for a treat!
Today we're bringing you a marvelously fun and cute shaving cream craft that's easy to put together with almost no effort. The kids will love the entire process, especially the step where we create these foamy paints! 

Besides been a great activity to make all year round, it's particularly perfect to make it during Earth day to teach our kids a little more about planet earth.

You just need to grab a couple of ingredients from your kitchen and from the bathroom (yes, you read that right!), and you'll soon be on your way to make this eye-catching easth painting with the little ones.

For this painting project, we're jumping into a world of creativity and fun times, so get all the materials you'll need, and let's get started!

Get more Earth Craft Ideas and check this stunning Earth Day Black Glue Craft, or this Earth Day Dot Painting!

Paper Plate Earth Shaving Cream Craft

Earth day shaving cream craft for kids

Paper Plate Earth Day Craft - Supplies:

  • Shaving cream
  • Food coloring drops in green and blue
  • Glue
  • Paper Plate
  • Scissors
  • Our free printable earth template (grab it below this post!)

Shaving Cream Paper Plate Craft: Instructions:

STEP 1 - Get the free earth template!

Scroll down below this post and grab a free copy of our ready-to-print earth template and print it out.

Earth template

STEP 2 - Prepare your earth template

Cut the template out and glue it on the middle of a paper plate.

printable earth

Earth day template

STEP 3 - Make the shaving cream paint:

Now it's time to make the shaving cream paint. Squirt two blobs of shaving cream onto a plate and then add three drops of blue food colouring to one blob of shaving cream and three drops of green food colouring to the other. 

How to make shaving cream paint

Shaving cream paint

Mix the shaving cream and colour drops until you get a smooth and blended blue shaving cream paint.

Shaving cream paint for shaving cream craft

Add a squirt of white glue to each blob of coloured shaving cream and stir it in.

Easy shaving cream paint recipe

STEP 4 - Paint your earth!

Time to paint! Using your coloured shaving cream paint, start painting the landmasses with the green paint and then use the blue shaving cream paint to colour all the water areas.

Earth day craft for kids

Shaving cream craft for kids

Earth paper plate craft for kids

Leave the paint to dry and your shaving cream earth day craft is ready to be displayed! 


To download this printable earth template for free click on the link below and use the discount code:earth. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.

Printable earth template

We hope you and your little ones have tons of fun making this paper plate craft, shaving cream crafts are always so much fun and this earth themed craft is perfect for upcoming Earth Day. Enjoy!

Easy earth day craft. Earth paper plate craft for kids. Earth template and shaving cream craft

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