Making coloured rice Rangoli patterns is the perfect way to teach young children about the Hindu festival of lights - Diwali. Using coloured rice and our Rangoli template you can make the most beautiful Rangoli designs. Kids of all ages will love this Diwali craft from toddlers, to preschoolers to much older kids.
Not only is using coloured rice to create a Rangoli pattern the perfect Diwali craft for kids, it is also brilliant for young children working on fine motor skills. As they pick up rice to sprinkle it onto their Rangoli design they will be developing their pincer grip.
Children can be as creative as they like as they choose the coloured rice that they would like to add to their Rangoli template, or they could even design their own Rangoli design!
What are Rangolis?
Rangoli patterns are colourful patterns created during Diwali celebrations and other Hindu celebrations. They are made on the floor near to the entrance of a house to invite goddess Lakshmi to enter.
Making Rangolis for Diwali is a family tradition that can be seen across India during the festival of light - Diwali, but also across the world. This traditional Indian art form can be made from coloured rice, coloured powder or flowers.
How to make a Rangoli
The Diwali craft below has been made from coloured rice. To make your own coloured rice check out our rainbow rice recipe or alternatively try making this craft using coloured sand or flowers. You may also like to take a look at our paper Rangoli patterns.
Scroll down for the printable Rangoli patterns template.
Coloured Rice Rangoli Patterns - Supplies
- Rangoli template (scroll down)
- Rice in various colours
- Glue and brush
- Tray for excess rice (to save the mess!)
Coloured Rice Rangoli Patterns - Directions
STEP 1: Print Rangoli template
First things first! Print off the Rangoli pattern template and prepare your supplies. Follow our rainbow rice directions to make the coloured rice needed for this craft.
STEP 2: Add glue to Rangoli tempate
Now it is time to start adding your coloured rice to the Rangoli template. Decide which section of the Rangoli pattern you would like to add coloured rice to first and cover that area with glue. I find using a thin paintbrush to paint the glue on is the easiest way to do this.
STEP 3: Add coloured rice to Rangoli template
You will need to add one colour of rice at a time. Start by sprinkling your first colour of rice onto the glue you added to the template in step 2. Once the glue is covered in your chosen coloured rice shake off any excess rice.
To save the mess I would advice having a large tray nearby to tip any extra rice into.
Repeat using a different colour. Keep adding coloured rice one colour at a time to build up your Rangoli design.
The great thing about this coloured rice Rangoli craft is that it works for all ages from toddlers, to preschoolers to school aged children. Daisy (aged 6) and Ollie (aged 2) both loved making this craft (and so did I!).
Older children can take their time building up their Rangoli designs. You could also have a go at making a Rangoli pattern using the rice without the printable template!
We hope that you have fun making these coloured rice Rangoli patterns while learning a little about the Hindu festival of light - Diwali. If you enjoyed this craft and would like to try another Rangoli Diwali craft for kids check out our paper Rangoli patterns craft.

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