Make your little one's inner ballerina soar with this enchanting popsicle stick Ballerina Dancer Craft for kids!

Our lovely popsicle stick ballerina craft has us under a spell, and there's no wonder why!
With budget-friendly supplies and easy-to-follow steps, this ballerina dancer craft is an ideal craft for anyone that loves dancing and being creative.
If you want another fun craft, take a look at our Popsicle Stick Crafts for Kids roundup!
Let's begin, shall we?
Popsicle Stick Ballerina Dancer Craft

Ballerina Craft - Supplies:
- One large popsicle stick
- Three regular popsicle sticks
- Paints in flesh tones
- Paintbrush
- Cupcake liners (regular or mini)
- Scissors
- Glue gun/glue
- Paint pens (we used Posca)
- Mini pom poms (in hair tones)

Dancer Craft - Directions:
STEP 1 - Paint your popsicle sticks:
To start, take a large popsicle sticks and three regular sized popsicle sticks along with your paint. Pick any flesh colour you want and paint the sticks. Remember to wait for them to dry before moving onto the next step.
Alternatively if you don't want to wait for the paint to dry you could use the popsicle sticks the color they are.

STEP 2 - Cut the popsicle sticks:
Take the large popsicle stick and use your scissors to cut it below the mark halfway (this will create your ballerinas body). Then, cut about ¼ off two of the regular-sized popsicle sticks (this will create the ballerinas legs). Cut the final regular sized popsicle stick in half (this will create the ballerinas arms.

STEP 3 - Start putting your ballerina's body together:
Take your three popsicle sticks and turn them over so the painted side is down. Add hot glue to the back of the big popsicle stick and then attach the two longer regular popsicle sticks to the bottom (legs) and the two shorter regular popsicle sticks higher up (arms).
See image below as a guide.

STEP 4 - Add details to your dancer:
Give your ballerina some cute ballet shoes! Draw them right at the bottom of the ballerina's legs using paint pens. Make it even cuter and add extra details like ribbons.

STEP 5 - Add a cupcake liner tutu:
Now, it's time to add the tutu dress! To do this, take the cupcake liner and fold it in half. Then, flatten it against a hard surface gently.
Glue the cupcake liner onto the lower part of your ballerina's body and... your ballerina is ready!

Aren't these little ballet dancers the cutest?!

We hope you love this popsicle stick ballerina craft as much as we do. Have fun using your imagination and some funky cupcake liners to create your own individual dancer craft. Enjoy!

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