We have recently made another version of this game using found pieces of nature. Check out our nature Tic Tac Toe made from a wood slice and conkers!
We love homemade gifts. Take a look at our collection of gifts kids can make.
Christmas tic tac toe game - Homemade gifts for kids
Supplies to make a Christmas Tic Tac Toe game
- 7-inch Wooden Circle Plaque
- 10 Small to Medium size Rocks
- Red and Green Glitter
- Clear Elmer’s Glue
- Black and White Acrylic Paint
- Paintbrush
How to make a Christmas Tic Tac Toe game
STEP 1: Paint the rocks
To prepare your rocks paint them using white acrylic paint. You will need a total of 10 rocks for this Tic Tac Toe game. Leave the painted rocks to dry.
STEP 2: Add glitter naughts and crosses
Take your clear glue and on 5 rocks draw a glue circle. Sprinkle the green glitter all over the glue. Tap off the excess glitter and let dry.
On the other 5 rocks, you’ll make an X and sprinkle with the red glitter. (The X may come out better if you make one line at a time and let dry for a few minutes in between so the glue doesn’t run together). Again tap of the excess glittter and let dry.
STEP 3: Make Tic Tac Toe board
On the round plaque, paint on a Tic Tac Toe board with the black paint. You will need to paint two straight horizontal lines and two straight vertical lines. Wait for the paint to dry
STEP 4: Play Tic Tac Toe
Once everything is dried your Tic Tac Toe game is ready to be played. Take it in turns to add naughts and crosses to the grid. The first to complete a row of 3 is the winner!

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