If your child is learning to read you might like to take a look at all our book lists and book activities.
You will need:
- Paper
- Printable bingo pages (scroll down)
- Laminator / laminator pouches
- Cutter/ scissors
Sight Word Bingo Game
To make your bingo game download and print out the the bingo cards, flashcards and bingo markers. Use scissors or a paper cutter to carefully cut out each part of the sight word bingo game. We advise laminating the cards if you want to be able to play this game time after time.
Each child should be given a bingo sheet and bingo markers. Each card should be different.
Use the flashcards as a “call sheet.” Place all of the sight word flashcards into a bowl, hat etc.
The caller should take one sight word out of the bowl or hat and read it to the children. Any child that has the word can cover it with a bingo marker.
The first child to make a horizontal, diagonal or vertical row gets the BINGO! You could even play for small treats!
How to Play Sight Word Bingo
Each child should be given a bingo sheet and bingo markers. Each card should be different.
Use the flashcards as a “call sheet.” Place all of the sight word flashcards into a bowl, hat etc.
The caller should take one sight word out of the bowl or hat and read it to the children. Any child that has the word can cover it with a bingo marker.
The first child to make a horizontal, diagonal or vertical row gets the BINGO! You could even play for small treats!
Enjoy your sight word bingo game! Find all our printables here.
To download this sight word bingo game for free add $0 and click on the 'I want this' box below. It may take a moment for the page to load so please be patient.
For personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. When sharing this printable please link directly to this blog post and not to the PDF. Thank you.

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